Sunday, March 6, 2011

"I’m as Feminine as Can Be" By: Karina Garcia

I’m as feminine as can be
But when it comes to your love I don’t know what comes over me
It’s like I fall so hard immediately that I don’t even let you chase me
I don’t give you the chance to pursue me as you so admire femininity
I don’t give you time to miss me nor desire me the way you once did
When you look at me all I want is for you to kiss me so I kiss you
It’s as if I don’t know what else to do
But I know you want it to be you who take the lead in pursuing me
No matter how long we have or have not already been together as us
Don’t get me wrong I enjoy being courted and graciously escorted
I too enjoy being wined and dined it is always graciously divine
Yet why do I ignore it and always allow myself to go for it
Why must I be so blunt and straightforward for everything?
And not just let some things such as these remain a mystery to me
I’m as feminine as can be
But why don’t I have the patience to let you come and approach me
I know this is something that doesn’t let love be
As for you it takes away from your masculinity
And the desire to chase after all that is my femininity
What can I say? Can it be that I’m fire and always so filled with desire?
Or maybe it’s my sense of being kindred and free
Always just wanting to be me as its part of me to take a lead
Is it part of my creativity and the spontaneity of my being?
That forgets that you too have a sense of purpose and being
And that at times I need to slow down and enjoy what I’m feeling
I’m as feminine as can be
I need to learn that seeing is believing, acting is not all about reacting
I hope I can one day be free of these feelings inside of me
Those that make me lose sight of my femininity
Those that don’t always let love be as they invade your masculinity
I hope one day I can I have the patience to let you come and approach me
And fulfill your desire to chase after all that is me and my femininity
I hope to one day again let myself be courted and graciously escorted
I want to again allow you to wine and dine me and let myself feel free
I hope to not always be so blunt and straightforward for everything?
I hope to let some things such as these remain a mystery to me
I want it to be you who take the lead in pursuing me
I’m as feminine as can be

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